On July 9th we met with our midwife officially for the first time. We did all the fun family medical history stuff and I had four vials of blood drawn. We listened to the baby with the doppler again. This time the heart rate was in the 150s and we could actually hear the baby kicking. I can't feel anything yet, but we could hear our sweetie moving around. I think we have a pretty active little one about to enter our family.
Our next appointment is set for August 8th. Even more exciting -- we have the ultrasound set for August 10th! We are so excited to see our little one. We have decided that, rather than find out our bambino's gender in the doctors office, we are going to wait to find out with our family and friends. August 19th is the set reveal date... The wait may just kill me.
Can't wait to find out what you're having and buy things!!!